
Stitchery Square Finishing
 for needlework is based on combining the customer’s work with fabrics and trims that present the finished product in a creative way. We would like to work with you to bring satisfaction and delight with your needlework. We are willing to do other items not listed here.

Custom needlework finishing is just that, tailored to suit each individual piece. If you want to match a previously done piece, we will need a good photo or the original to copy. Bless all of you who think our memories are that good, but they aren’t (even collectively!)

Click here for a printable form, which you can attach to each item with as much specific information as possible. If you prefer, you can call or email us and we will send you the form.

Please allow 6 weeks’ turnaround time or longer during busy seasons. The last date for guaranteed Christmas finishing is receipt by October 1. The Thanksgiving deadline is September 1.